Thursday, January 27, 2011

JavaSeis Native Methods

We strive to provide JavaSeis as a "100%" Java project. In many industry settings, especially in the case where a company has a large base of well tested procedural code, the need for native methods arises. Before heading down this route, you should think carefully about the side effects. A pure Java project is portable, robust, and will almost never crash. This will immediately change once you head down the native method route. One of my favorite things about Java and Eclipse is saying goodbye to that old "edit, compile, link, run" cycle.

That being said, we finally bow to pressure from the crowd that likes pre-mature optimization and provide an Eclipse "javaseis_native" project in our SVN repository on SourceForge. The first application we are developing is an implementation of the JavaSeis IBigArray interface. This interface is used to provide a 1D array that is indexed by a long. IBigArray is the base storage that underlies JavaSeis distributed arrays. Once this implementation is up and running, it will be possible to construct JavaSeis distributed arrays that use native memory as the storage mechanism, and to share these large contiguous arrays with native codes.

Checkout the project on SourceForge now if you want to track the progress of how the interface is developed. If all you want is the finished product, stay tuned to the JavaSeis Blog and we will post comments on the finished result.


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